How to Be Authentic in Your Marketing

September 19, 2017

In recent years, one of the hot buzzwords used to describe marketing is authenticity. More likely than not, if you were to attend a marketing conference at least one of the speakers would say how important “authenticity” is—there might even be an entire panel discussing the importance of “authenticity” in marketing.

But what actually is authenticity in marketing?

In this context, the word “authentic” means to be “True to one’s own personality, spirit or character. Is sincere and authentic with no pretensions.”

Some companies or brands may hear they need to be “authentic” and assume this means they need to share all their flaws and announce every stumbling block or challenge.

While customers today appreciate transparency, this does not mean companies need to start airing their dirty laundry day in and day out.

In fact, the concept of authenticity in marketing it is far more rooted in what a company strives to do. It’s important to today’s consumers for companies to not only talk the talk, but to also walk the walk. Consumers appreciate a brand that has clear values and stays true to those values.


Here are a few tips on how to be authentic in your marketing:


Be Clear & Be Consistent

Customers respond well to businesses who have a clear message that is consistent throughout all areas of their marketing. No matter where a consumer goes, whether it’s online, in print or in person, the message should always be the same and easily understood.


Always Follow-Through

Trust is an essential building block of good customer relationships. One of the best ways to build trust with customers is by following through on those ideas and commitments you claim to stand by. If you guarantee certain things to customers, be sure to follow-through. When roadblocks arise, be honest with a focus on solutions.


Believe in What You Do

If a business is passionate about what they are doing, believes in what they are doing and displays this on a consistent basis, consumers will catch on. If a company doesn’t care about what they are doing, why should a customer?


Being authentic in your marketing doesn’t have to be hard. However, it does take a commitment to your mission and to your company values. When in doubt, keep things simple.