It’s a New Year for SanMar U

January 5, 2021

We’ve wandered many a weary foot, as the song says. 2021 has arrived, so let’s take a draught of good will and look forward to the year ahead. We don’t want to give away all the excitement we’ve planned at SanMar U, but here’s a snapshot of a few things you can expect to see … Continued

Hindsight 2020: The Year in T-Shirts

December 29, 2020

When reflecting back on 2020, it’s undeniable the year was a unique one. For better and for worse, this year challenged us while also highlighting the best in us. We decided to collect a few of our favorite “T-Shirt Moments” from this one-of-a-kind year and we would love to hear what your favorite t-shirt moments … Continued

Time to Plan For 2021

December 22, 2020

2020 has been a long year for all of us, but the end is finally in sight. With the new year comes new possibility and a chance to reset, focus on what we’ve learned, and plan ahead for 2021. But, about that plan – how do you plan when circumstances are still uncertain? Here are … Continued

Looking Back at the Year of Masks

December 16, 2020

At the start of the year, none of us could have predicted how much face masks would be a topic of everyday conversation. Many of us in the promotional apparel industry jumped into the new year like ones before: wondering what customers would be most excited to see and curious which trends would boost business … Continued

A Tale of Two Colors: Pantone Color of the Year

December 9, 2020

At the end of every year, Pantone names a color intended to represent the year to come. 2020 has been a most unexpected year, and the color institute has responded with an unexpected choice for 2021: two colors. “A message of happiness supported by fortitude, the combination of Ultimate Gray (PANTONE 17-5104) + Illuminating (PANTONE … Continued

Reimagining the Tradeshow Experience

December 1, 2020

As much as we all miss getting together in person, there’s no way around it – virtual tradeshows have arrived and they’re here to stay, at least in some capacity. Promotional product industry tradeshows in 2021 are either being held entirely in a virtual environment, or with a mixture of physical and virtual elements. Whether … Continued

Trends to Be Thankful For

November 24, 2020

Usually, this is the time of year for food and fellowship shared with family and friends, the time to remember all the things that we’re thankful for. This year is looking a little different, but there are still plenty of reasons to give thanks. Here’s just a few on our list. Preparation “The readiness is … Continued

Recipes (and Aprons!) We Love

November 17, 2020

It’s that time of year when baked goods and “comfort” foods become the star of the show. It’s the time when many of us head into the kitchen to whip up some of our favorite meals to celebrate the season. One of the best ways to limit the amount of stress (and mess!) in the … Continued

Safety First

November 10, 2020

When working outside, it is essential you remain visible. From jobs where individuals are in high-traffic intersections, to construction sites, to overnight shifts, being highly-visible can be the key to remaining seen and safe. We recognize how crucial safety is for many occupations out there, which is why we are excited to introduce even more … Continued

The Latest Decoration Techniques

November 3, 2020

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s time to catch up with our Decorator and Digital Solutions team to see what decoration techniques have been keeping them busy lately. These up-and-coming techniques are making a big splash and catching customers’ attention everywhere. One of the trending techniques that has had the biggest impact … Continued