Dan joined the SanMar family in 1997, leading a team of five salespeople. When talking about his time here, he describes it as “24 years of bliss,” attributing that feeling to all the little things that make up the time he spent working and bonding with colleagues. The team he leaves is larger, but the feeling is the same: “It’s good to be us.”

iSpy SanMar 2021
SanMar employees are always on the lookout when we’re out in the world to see who’s wearing our apparel and why. It’s a little game we like to call I-Spy SanMar. Here are just a few examples we’ve noticed of teams and organizations bringing our clothes to life in work and play across the country this year.
Four Festive Last-Minute Gifts
Let’s Go To the Media Library
We’ve been busy making updates to SanMar’s Media Library. It still houses the photography and videos for all of the products SanMar offers, but we’ve done a little reorganizing to help you find what you’re looking for and maybe even discover something new. Since we’re way past card catalogs and the Dewey Decimal system, here are four ways you can find what you need on our comprehensive marketing resource.
It’s Time to Tackle TikTok
Today’s Modern Hybrid Commuter
Streamline Your SanMar Search
No Time Like the Present(s)
Cybersecurity: The Phish Are Out There
Most companies are affected by cybersecurity threats of some kind, resulting in possible information theft, compromised technical systems and financial loss. Many modern threats are the result of a practice known as phishing. Learn what to watch for and what to do if you’re subject to a phishing attack.