Selling to Outdoor Enthusiasts

August 9, 2017

Every year, millions of Americans take to the wild in search of excitement. From weeklong fishing trips to Saturdays spent hiking local trails, they love spending time outside. Who are they? They are campers, trailblazers and adventurers. They are outdoor enthusiasts, and they spend billions (yes, with a “b”) on their passion.

Spending time outdoors is truly the real American pastime, and chances are, these enthusiasts are already your customers. One out of ten people in America spends their evenings, weekends and vacation days exploring the wilderness in some capacity. On average, outdoor enthusiasts spend 17 days a year outside doing the things they love. When you consider the fact that most Americans only get 12 vacation days a year, you begin to understand how dedicated these folks really are.

People who participate in outdoor sports and activities like fishing, camping or skiing (to name just a very few) are some of the most enthusiastic and engaged members of online communities. This makes outdoor enthusiasts the ideal demographic for the apparel market.

They’re an active audience, and they’re engaged with the brands they use on a regular basis. They know quality and authenticity when they see it, and they reward both of those qualities with dedication and loyalty. Last year alone, people spent over $75 billion on outdoor recreation.

You can find products that appeal to these individuals in our latest selling occasion — Gear Up for the Great Outdoors: Your Guide to Outdoor Apparel, Camo and Accessories. 

What do you think? What are your favorite ways for reaching outdoor enthusiasts? Was there anything we missed? Let us know by leaving us a comment on Facebook or Twitter. Be sure to tag your posts #FabricBlog and we’ll get back to you.