Fabric Blog:

Tell Your Story Through Video

July 10, 2018

If you’re not already promoting your business through video, then you probably have a lot of questions about it. Why should I make videos? Isn’t that insanely expensive and time-consuming? What do I do with it once I’ve made it? Who has time for all this video stuff anyway?! Not to worry – here’s the … Continued

3 Marketing Tactics That Can Make a Difference

July 3, 2018

These days it can be a real challenge to know which marketing tools and tactics can actually make a difference to your bottom line. Finding the time and the resources to devote to creating and implementing those marketing strategies can be equally challenging. The good news is that even if you have big dreams and … Continued

How Small Shops Create Big Impact

June 26, 2018

It’s a big world out there, and sometimes it can feel as if your little specialty boutique just doesn’t have the resources to compete against nation-spanning mega-conglomerates. But just because you run a small shop, it doesn’t mean you can’t make a big impact. Let’s look at a few ways you can set yourself apart … Continued

Elevate Your Business Through the Power of Presentations

June 12, 2018

Let’s be honest about something: nobody enjoys a cold call. There are even some who have declared the cold call dead. While those reports are somewhat exaggerated, we do agree that there’s a lot more you can do to capture your potential customers than plod through a list of phone numbers with a canned sales … Continued

Capturing College and University Sales

May 22, 2018

From sweatshirts and tees, to bags and caps, today’s colleges and universities are always looking for trend-right apparel and accessories that will be a hit. An ASI Market Study that looked at education sales found that only 2% of distributors say it’s “Very Easy” to start selling to schools and 33% say it is “Somewhat … Continued

An Inside Look at the Promotional Products Industry

May 1, 2018

The promotional products industry occupies an impactful place in the sales and marketing world. We’re a $23+ billion industry comprised of everything from large distributors and suppliers to small businesses and mom-and-pop shops. We help companies tell the world who they are, we bring together teams and communities, we provide great memories from favorite places … Continued

5 Tips for Writing Compelling Email Content

April 10, 2018

Did you know the average attention span for a single email is 11 seconds? As more and more emails flood our inboxes it can be a challenge to stand out in the crowd. We are here to provide you with 5 essential tips on how to create emails that not only get opened, but also … Continued

Wrangling Your Social Media: Networking on Social Media

April 3, 2018

At this point, saying we live in a world made small by digital communication is like saying the world is round, water is wet and the sky is blue (unless you live in the Pacific Northwest, where everyone knows the sky is gray and full of rain clouds). It’s just a given that at any … Continued

Trend Alert: The New Power Suit

March 20, 2018

There was a time when “wearing a suit to work” meant everyone wore the same corporate-inspired outfit, with a traditional coat and slacks. But big changes are sweeping across offices around the world and suits are part of that change. Generations are mixing in office environments and technology is advancing, so it’s only natural we … Continued

How to Leave a Lasting Impression with Business Uniforming

March 13, 2018

How do you define a business casual uniform? Tie? No tie? T-shirt? Whether you’re a Wall Street mogul or a Silicon Valley start up, the definition of uniform has shifted to include more versatility and personality. There’s no denying that our lives are busy. We rush from morning yoga sessions to the office and then … Continued