Fabric Blog:

Building Your Brand in the Social Media Era

May 24, 2016

The digital age has fundamentally changed the way we shop and do business. More and more, social media is becoming a valuable asset within the marketing toolkit. While you shouldn’t part ways with your traditional marketing strategy, there is good reason to ramp up your social media efforts. Many of your customers are one or … Continued

Introducing a New Alternative for our Customers

May 18, 2016

Our goal is to offer the best products, brands and service in the industry. We know that your customers expect styles that look and feel great, while serving as the perfect canvas for a variety of decoration. So we’re thrilled to offer a new alternative with 41 Alternative Apparel styles. Alternative Apparel is best known … Continued

Millennials: How to Sell to this Important Generation

May 13, 2016

There are more than 80 millennials in the U.S. today. In fact, they outnumber Baby Boomers 3 to 1. Over the last year, millennials have become the majority in our country’s workforce, with an estimated buying power of $200 billion. Without a doubt, they are a force to be reckoned with. Millennials have never known … Continued

Going Behind the Seams of “A T-Shirt Story”

April 12, 2016

SanMar recently partnered with Hanes to launch “A T-Shirt Story” highlighting all the steps that go into creating a t-shirt. From a cotton field to the soccer field, it’s a long journey that creates opportunities while building connections. We sat down with SanMar’s Senior Videographer Corbin Gross to talk about his experiences, including a trip … Continued

Tradeshow 101

January 5, 2016

Tradeshow season is upon is and it’s the ideal opportunity to seek out new products and styles for your customers. Before packing your bags and donning your … tradeshow uniform, check out these tips for maximizing your tradeshow experience. Check in with your top customers to find out what they need for the New Year. … Continued

Making a Difference in Africa

October 17, 2015

From revitalizing communities and paying a fair wage to creating jobs for people previously unable to work outside the home, SanMar’s global sourcing efforts are helping us truly make a difference.

Advice From a Sales Veteran

October 15, 2015

We sat down with Dan Tushar, SanMar’s National Sales Manager, to get some pearls of wisdom from his 20 years of industry experience. Offer Options You have likely worked with a customer at one time or another who asked for a quote on a very specific product. Perhaps they wanted 5,000 t-shirts for a charity … Continued