
2020 Gift Giving Guide

Explore the top trends of the holiday season in our 2020 Gift Giving Guide. Mood boosters encourage happiness and optimism, gifts with a purpose dominate wish lists, and tailored styles with soft touches offer the perfect mix of elegant comfort.

Laser Etching Overview – Tips from the Experts

Smoke! Fire! Laser beams! Laser etching is making a big impression all across the fashion industry. SanMar decoration expert Jason Murphy gives you a quick tour of the basics of this up-and-coming apparel decoration technique.

Decoration Tips and Trends

Join us as SanMar decoration guru Jason Murphy shares some of the latest decoration trends, techniques and tips with product experts Holly Rox and Brandon Kerr.

Our Favorite 20 Fall Arrivals

Join SanMar’s product enthusiasts Holly Rox and Brandon Kerr, as they share their 20 favorite new fall styles to help expand your business. From new outerwear options to trend-right uniforming for everyone in the workplace, these products deliver delightful variety for all your customers.


From the world of art to fashion runways to everyday apparel, learn about the history of colorblocking and its influence on modern style trends.

Selling to Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z

Join product gurus Holly Rox and Brandon Kerr as they discuss how to sell to different generations, from Gen X to Millennials to the up-and-coming Gen Z. You’ll learn about what motivates each generation, what makes them unique and which trends appeal to them most.



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