Media Files

Cybersecurity in Uncertain Times

Cybercrimes and virtual shenanigans are on the rise, with scams taking advantage of the Coronavirus pandemic. Here are a few ways to stay vigilant while doing business smoothly.

So You Want to Make a Webcast

You’re good. In fact, you’re so good at what you do that you’re ready to share some of the secrets of your success with the rest of the world. One way to do that is through a webcast.

Industries Still Looking to Buy

So, what should we do when our regular customer base has locked up their budgets or closed up shop? Unusual times, call for unusual measures. Not only do we need to get creative with how we communicate with our current customers, but we need to look outside our normal sandbox to industries or markets we … Continued

Why Storytelling is Essential

Stories are a lot like The Force—they bind us together. A good story well told is a powerful tool. Powerful enough to change our attitudes, our behaviors—even our beliefs. When you tell a story, you’re creating a strong emotional connection with your audience, and if there’s one thing we all need right now, it’s connection.

5 Ways to Tell a Better Story

A good story is simple, straightforward and evokes emotions. Think of a group of school children, sitting together and all leaning in towards the same book. A story does not need to be complex to be powerful. For many of us, our favorite stories are those from our childhood. It’s best to go back to … Continued

The Dos and Don’ts of Communicating in a Crisis

Even when you are able to plan for a challenge or difficult time in your business, there are always surprises turns or bumps in the road. There are some best practices for talking with employees and customers that can help us keep others informed and weather any storm.

14 Ways to Make 14 Days at Home Work for You

So how is working from home going for you? If you’re like me, the new normal of staying inside all day, every day is both a dream come true (No long commute! More time with my wife!) and vaguely upsetting (How many days has it been? Do we have enough coffee to make it through?).