Time to Get a New Perspective

June 5, 2019

Our perspective as consumers is changing as we see almost every product we buy through the lens of a digital device first.Video is being filmed vertically on our phones for shows that are between two and five minutes long. We take images of everything from above, whether it is from 12 feet or 12 inches, … Continued

May 16, 2019

Emotion in the digital age is our new shared connection. Our joy, wonder, tenderness and sorrow are all wrapped within a crystal-clear image, photographed in evocative lighting and delivered to the palm of our hands. I kind of love it even though I know it can be problematic. To have that much emotion so close … Continued

We’re Not Just One Thing

May 6, 2019

If you have every watched MacGyver (in the original series or the reboot), you quickly come to admire the main character. He’s hard to define because he’s not just one thing. He’s a quiet guy just trying to live his life but he is also a secret agent. Once you’ve seen a few episodes you … Continued

Maximalism: Today’s Fearless Fashion

April 18, 2019

In 2014, an incredible book came out called Advanced Style by Ari Seth Cohen, followed very shortly after by a documentary of the same name. It followed a number of stylish women of “advanced” age (thus the title) in New York City who dress in what is considered a maximalist way. What strikes me when … Continued

Be Visionary with your Storytelling

April 3, 2019

We all know what an emoji is. They are small symbols that have become the language many of us use to communicate with our friends and co-workers. It is a new way that we tell stories today. An extension of this is the very popular Memoji – used on iPhones around the globe. When I … Continued

March 21, 2019

what is ‘the clickability of color’? It’s actually becoming a very important concept in the way we think about shopping in the digital age. Everyone who has something to sell should probably be aware of what it means. Think about it…we are making many, if not most, decisions about what products to buy through a … Continued

Welcome to The New Style Network Blog

March 7, 2019

You may have seen our downloadable trend info that we have posted on The Style Network over the past few years. As you know, trends move quickly, so we want change things up a bit. We’re going to bring you updates more often and create a space where we can dive a little deeper into … Continued